David has been teaching all his life.

Central to his teaching is the belief that economics should be as accessible, digestible and understandable as possible. It is too important to be left to academia alone and he firmly advocates that there should be no barriers excluding people form learning. David’s award winning teaching style, encourages life long learning with easy-to- access courses and modules that can be done, anywhere, anytime by anyone.

David’s lectures are interesting and entertaining but must importantly make economics real and tangible. He takes a serious theoretically knowledge and translates it into an understandable language and makes it relevant to real life. After the course I have a real interest in economics and the broad knowledge to build on in the future.
Laurence Feeney

To help this vision become a reality David has started an online Economics course called 'International Trade and Money'. Learn more about the unconventional course here.

Trinity College Dublin MSc

Photo of Trinity College Dublin, where David is a lecturer

David is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin, ranked 1st in Ireland and in the top 1% of all universities. Here he teaches at the MSc level. His aim is to equip his students with real world examples they can use outside of the classroom. It is essential for managers of all organisations to possess an understanding of the global economic factors which have a bearing on international businesses from all sectors and industries.

As Ireland’s university on the world stage, Trinity is recognised for academic excellence and a transformative student experience. The historic campus is located in the heart of Dublin city centre at the meeting place of the retail and cultural districts.

Learn more about joining the MSc