In this new online course- 'International Trade & Money'- I challenge conventional thinking, accepted economic theories, and outdated models in order to put the human back at the centre of economics.

This set of 14 lectures, accessible in audio and video format, take us from the playground to Donna Summer, from prisoner of war camps to Donald Trump and from Kenyan iPhones to tulip fanatics, all the while revealing the true meaning of economics.

Course Highlights

Lecture 1: Humanomics
Why we need to put Humans back into the equation.

Lecture 2: The Trading Ape
Applying Humanomics to the real world and revealing our innate need to trade

Lecture 3: The Myth of Barter
Taking a deep dive into the history of trade, money and value.

Lecture 4: The Human Bazaar: Levis for Vodka
From Zeus to Russian Vodka; the story of how trade generates progress.

Lecture 5: The Collective Brain
What the Tasmanians can tell us about the secret of our success.

Lecture 6: The Economics of a Prisoner of War Camp
If we didn’t have money, we would make it up: introducing the bottom-up economy.

Lecture 7: Why economics is bottom-up, not top-down
What do Kenyan mobile credit and the ex-Russian prime minister have in common? Looking further into the self-grown economy.

Lecture 8: Why the successful economy is a Tinder for Ideas
How trade drives innovation and progress- a journey into late 17th century Amsterdam.

Lecture 9: The Madness of Crowds: Tulipmania
Why clever people make mistakes

Lecture 10: Manias and the Social Animal
Understanding human emotion and why it continues to drive economic cycles

Lecture 11: Ultimately social: Trade what is it good for?
Looking at home and abroad

Lecture 12: The Politics of Trade
The winners, losers, and consequences

Lecture 13: Biology’s Revenge
Why Economics abandoned Biology for Physics, and why we need to get it back.

Lecture 14: The Disruptor’s Revenge
Cobras, Nokias and Donna Summer; why to welcome disruption